Our beloved polobunny recently left us to pursue a career in erotic carpentry, leaving the rest of us all sad and soaking in our own excrements. Young polo joined our unfortunate ranks on a hot summer day over ten years ago and it'd probably make sense for us to honour his, uh, emulation-related demise in some manner. I'm totes not gonna do that, however, seeing as I'm much more interested in the mystery of whom he loved the most out of all the jerks he met at this place. Totes! It's a question that has riddled mankind for nearly 24 decades, ever since Nietzsche proclaimed that god is dead. It is now my great pleasure to reveal that I have finally solved this, eh, intricate conundrum.

So, who could it be, you ask. Skinner8? Wasn't he more or less part of his crew at some point? Maybe Brightside, didn't the two of them have a pretty special relationship what with their mutual love for goatsee and all? Surely it must have been Cookies, right? He even addressed the purple one in his last ever post here on EP. WRONG! YOU'RE WRONG! SO WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!®

It was *drum-roll* none other than yours truly.

Don't believe me? Think only a mother could ever love my squishy face? Peh, let me present you with exhibit A:

At the end of his second to last ever post he wrote
Quote Originally Posted by polobunny View Post
pools out <3
and thus declared his everlasting love for me. Pools, you see, is the nickname your truly gave him ages ago. And the "<3", lest we forget, is a symbol of love. The love between a man and his weird Swedish online acquaintance.

Still not convinced? Well, have at you! Exhibit B!:

Quote Originally Posted by Pool's profile
Reason for Joining:
See? I was his reason for joining and you jerks made him leave. Also, I totally didn't edit his profile or anything so those with access to the admin CP are totally just wasting their time if checking the logs. TOTES!

Surely you must all have realized the truth by now, but I'm not one to resist flossing a dead horse or whatever. The most damning evidence can naturally be found in his final farewell, which will make out exhibit C:

Quote Originally Posted by polobunny View Post
Farewell to everybody. I'm leaving EP for good, obviously I have not been active in very long and see no reason to keep a profile I will never log into.
I had a lot of fun with a lot of you old timers and wish everybody the best. Maybe we will cross path elsewhere someday, maybe without knowing.

I'd like if you could delete my profile Cookie and if possible all the posts linked to it. If not, simple deactivation will do it. Thank you!
So, there. I'm glad we could finally settle this, ass-suckers.